Homemade Dog Food

Homemade Dog Food


Since I have been watching what I eat lately, I have notice that I need to do the same for my dog. Bagged dog food has all kinds of bad ingredients that can actually harm your fur baby such as corn, wheat, wheat gluten, corn gluten, and vegetable oils. I no longer eat food with this stuff, so why would I feed it to my dog.

Mixing the Dog Food

Real Food for Dogs

However, if I choose to make the food, I start to question what is in your dog’s food. Since I make my own meals, why can’t I make my dog’s food too? I found a great website to help to create foods for my dog which take minutes to make several weeks at a time.

Use the food scale

Keto Pet Sanctuary

KetoPet is a non-profit website and program with a mission to help pet owners learn about the ketogenic diet for optimum health. Simply weigh your dog. Which to me was quite easy, as I was able to weigh myself and then carry the dog again and step on the scale once again. Then, add the foods that you have on hand or fit your budget. Finally, mix the ingredients together, weigh the correct amount, and form into meatballs. When I am done with them, I put them on a tray in the freezer until they are completely frozen and place them in a freezer bag. Each meatball is enough for one meal a day or cut them in half for two meals. Take the meatball out each evening and place in the refrigerator. By morning, it’s ready. 

Weigh the ingredients in grams

Trust me the food is good, so good that Graham gobbles it up before I close the refrigerator door. Not only is it good for your dog, but you could eat the meatballs too. Ground beef, cabbage, and chia seeds… That is one of the recipes that are located on the website. Simple food that you know is something that is healthy for your dog.

Meatballs You Could Eat

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