Oregano, My Hero!

Oregano, My Hero!

 I have heard about the power of oregano, but have never tried it before. A few days ago, I woke up with a headache and sinus pressure on the left side of my face. I really didn’t want to go to the doctor nor did I want to take an over-the-counter product that would make me sleepy. Working full-time and raising my  family did not allow  for me to take time off or sleep for the day.

So I tried something that I never thought of before, I took 2 Tablespoons of dried oregano in a quart mason jar. (Yes, I got the fancy glass out for this.)   

After, I boiled some water and poured it into the  mason jar and allowed it to steep for a few  moments. 

Once complete, I strained the oregano and began to drink this  concoction.

Let me  tell you it was awful! However, it was no worse that NyQuil or any other cold medicine where you need a chaser of water just to make it through. 

I drank a little throughout the day as taking the whole 32 ounces at once was not something I would want to do. Did I say that it tasted awful? At least with the cold medicine you only need a little taste. Anyway, I noticed some great results rather quickly and I didn’t need to take a nap.

A few days later, my son woke up feeling pretty crumby and guess what I gave him? (Yep, quite an awakening for a 17-year-old that’s for sure). Anyway, he stayed home from school because he was feeling congested and not himself. So, he got the Oregano Tea as I used before, and by the afternoon he was feeling pretty good. A few days later he actually asked me how to make it so that he could have some as his allergies were acting up. 

So I have decided to try it another way… I have been taking it for the past few days as a preventative measure. One shot glass full every morning. Spring phlegm in Arizona is not stranger in my household. I must say that this has been a welcome experience since I wake up every morning with either a little sinus headache or a lovely mucousy phlegm in the back of my throat. Once I take it in the morning within about an hour, those feelings and symptoms are gone!

What the heck? Why is this working? While I have heard of anecdotal stories of using oregano both as a tea and using the oil, I needed some real reasoning behind this. 

According to organicfacts.net there are several reasons why oregano tea helps with illnesses. Oregano is good to treat sinus infections, respiratory illnesses, and asthma. This explains why it worked so well with mine and my son’s cold/sinus conditions. Upon further investigation, oregano has other benefits such as antibacterial and antiseptic traits as well as antioxidants which improve the immune system. However, one must be careful about stomach issues as consuming too much might cause nausea, dizziness, or vomiting. Pregnant women are discouraged from drinking this as it has been known to impact hormonal levels and in some cases begin menstruation.

Since oregano might cause some stomach discomfort, it should not be used more than once a day, and quite frankly I never seem to need it more than once a day as the symptoms clear up rather quickly.

Oregano Tea

1-2 Tbls Dried Oregano 

32 oz of hot or boiling water

Honey (if desired)


  1. Boil water
  2. Add dried oregano to a cup 
  3. Pour water in over the oregano and allow to steep for several minutes.
  4. Strain leaves 
  5. Add honey to improve taste
  6. Drink to better health

Check out organicfacts.net for more information about the benefits of oregano!

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