Anyone who actually knows me knows that I am not nor have I ever been a good cook. My kids don’t starve, but sometimes my food is bland. If I don’t have a recipe to work off of, major problems arise. When I do, often I get distracted from stirring a sauce too long or waiting for things to finish baking. If I forget to set the timer, I often need to go b y the smell. You know what I mean “It’s not burnt. It’s just dark. We can cut off the darker spots.”

Desserts have been something that I enjoyed making. Mainly because I love to eat desserts. Even on Keto, I find that I still need something to curb my sweet tooth. I came across this recipe on YouTube from Dat Keto Lady. This recipe is for a cheesecake with a cookie crust. I just wanted some cookies, so here is my modification. Trust me, even though I am not a good cook, these cookies are not only easy but delicious as well.

1 Cup Nut Butter (Peanut Butter or Almond Butter)
½ Cup Sweetener (stevia, erythritol, xylitol, or Swerve)
2 Eggs
½ Cup Sugar-Free Chocolate Chips or Chopped Baker’s Chocolate
1 tsp Vanilla
Mix nut butter, sweetener, eggs, and vanilla until smooth. Fold in chocolate chips. Place a small amount of dough on a baking sheet. Bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes. (YouTube Crust for the Cookie Cheesecake dessert: Dat Keto Lady)

3 Dozen Small Cookies
In my case, it made about 30 cookies plus many spoonfuls of cookie dough. Say what you will about raw egg, but this is delicious.
Add stevia drops to your liking. This will not change the texture, but will definitely change the sweetness, which might be helpful if you are just starting out on Keto or you have family members who are not yet ready for Keto desserts.
Do you have any cookie recipes that you like? Is there something that you like, but haven’t had since you have been on Keto? Leave a message in the comments below.
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