It’s not just for aliens or sci-fi movies anymore. Float Spas are popping up all over the country and for good reasons too. They provide the absorption of magnesium in a relaxing and therapeutic way.

Magnesium is an important mineral that helps in strengthening teeth and bones, regulating blood sugars, boosting energy, and supporting the immune system. Someone who is deficient in magnesium might have the following issues: fatigue, muscle cramps, mental problems, irregular heartbeat and osteoporosis. It is common for someone who is eating the ketogenic diet to become deficient in magnesium (healthline).

I have heard through the YouTube sensation, author, and more importantly a knowledgeable doctor of the ketogenic diet; Dr. Boz, the benefits of obtaining magnesium through the skin to ensure magnesium absorption (bozmd). The pill form or ingestible powder of magnesium is difficult for the body to absorb and usually results in some stomach discomfort or other digestive issues. Foot soaks or baths using Epson Salt offer a great way to relax which will help in better sleep and lessen muscle cramps.

Dr. Boz also talks about using floats to achieve maximum benefits and absorption of magnesium. These floats include going into a large pod which looks like something out of some sci-fi movie. The spa that I use has 1000 pounds of Epsom Salt in the 180 gallons of water. Much more than I can obtain in my own bathtub.

Well, I traveled to a local float spa called True REST® which I found that this franchise is all over the country. REST is an acronym for Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (www.truerest.com). When I entered the store around 7:00 in the evening, I was greeted by a fresh-smiling-faced woman who asked if I would like some water or tea. I politely said “No Thank You.” My main reason for saying this was my concern that I would need to use the restroom if I drank too much water. She quickly showed me into the video room that included some weird psychedelic video that reminded me of a weird 60s movie, “Groovy, man.” Looking around the room, I notice many of those Himalayan salt lamps along one of the walls. Not really sure if they do anything, but the atmosphere is quite relaxing. While I proceeded to fill-out the waiver, you know “We are not responsible for you falling…” hitting your head, and other CYA verbiage, I watched the video which kind of made me dizzy. Once the iPad waiver was complete, I decided to close my eyes. Then came a mini instructional video to ensure I knew what was happening next. Some of the ideas suggested how to position your body while floating, count your breaths, relax, and leave the pod when the filter begins again.

Soon, another woman shows me to another area down a dimly lit hallway which includes more of the salt lamps with many doors that include a number code lock on each door. As we enter one of the rooms, I realize that it looks like a pod from one of those alien or some weird sci-fi movie. There is a shower with three dispensers which include shampoo, body wash, and conditioner. The woman gives me details on what to do and when as I try to remember all this information at once. Thankfully, the steps to complete the float are written on the wall as well to ensure safety and optimum results of the float. As the woman leaves, I recognize that the door locks as soon as she leaves which makes me feel much better as I am expected to remove EVERYTHING, take a quick shower, and enter the water. It is nice that there is an intercom for convenience, but thankfully no one will be coming in on me.

So, I quickly put in the earplugs and begin the steps needed before entering the pod. All kinds of questions enter my mind. Should I leave the light on or off? Will I like the pod open, closed, or propped open? Should I use the neck pillow or the halo or nothing? Will I be able to relax enough to get the benefits of this?

Well, I decided to turn off the light, keep the pod open, use nothing for my head, and tried to count my breaths. I still hear the music playing for a little while, and elect to lay still and spread out my arms. After the music stopped, I could hear my heartbeat. I have never heard it so loud when I was relaxed like this. My legs began to hurt so I moved them and the rest of my body to help relieve some discomfort. “RELAX, COUNT, DON’T MOVE” I kept saying to myself. Maybe I should close the pod, so I did. Well, I thought that I closed it enough and it would be okay without propping it open. AHH, that feels much better. I now go back to counting my breath and hearing the heartbeat in my ears and feel it in my neck. A few minutes go by and relaxation is finally happening. Then all of the sudden, BAM! “What the hell was that?” Apparently, it was not closed enough and the pod slammed shut. “So much for the relaxation,” I thought. Trying to relax some more, it did not work out so well.

After a few moments, I thought it would be best to rinse off and leave. It was frustrating because I wanted to experience everything for myself in a pleasant way. After the shower and proceeding to get ready, I walked to the prep room which includes everything imaginable to complete the float to make you feel pampered! As I finish combing my hair, I notice a cast iron tea pot in the next room along with colored water with tubes coming out everywhere. Years ago, I went to an oxygen bar in Las Vegas which I found rather strange at the time, but this time I thought it might be something else to try. I chose an uplifting sent rather than a relaxing sent as I needed to drive home at night and was not willing to risk being too relaxed. It was nice and the tea was perfect as well.

As I check out of the spa, I spoke with the first woman about my experience. She said that it does take a while for some people to relax and suggested that I try a few more before I give up on the experience all together. I took her up on her offer, and I’m glad I did.

Since that first float, I have been twice. One was in the morning and the other was at night. I know now that it is much better for me in the morning and will continue to try using this therapy at least once a month. My sleep has improved, my muscles are more relaxed, my thoughts are more focused, and I simply enjoy the relaxation every time I am enter the spa.

Have you tried a float? Try it for yourself. Be sure to give yourself a few times before deciding if this is something that will help.