July 2, 2018, I decided to make a change after about seven months of constant research on the ketogenic diet. I looked on the internet for some articles, watched several YouTube videos including ones that were of doctor’s who were in favor of this diet, and took out a couple cookbooks which focused on keto. Definitely a change that I was not familiar with nor was I convinced that it would be something that I could stick with. However, after weighing myself topping off at 188.8 at only 5’2,” I knew something had to change. I needed to get healthy to help not only me but to help my family. I was tired, achy, and had digestion problems. I was constantly taking antacids to cover my heartburn. Was it possible to get heartburn from drinking water? Yep, that was me. Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I was determined to find what would work. I was desperate for my health back!

- July 1, 2018 Weight- 186.6 Pounds
- August 1, 2018 Weight- 178.6 Pounds
- September 1, 2018 Weight- 174.1 Pounds
- October 1, 2018 Weight- 169.0 Pounds
- November 1, 2018 Weight- 167.5 Pounds
- December 1, 2018 Weight- 165.6 Pounds
- January 1, 2019 Weight- 163.4 Pounds
- February 1, 2019 Weight 161.8 Pounds
- March 1, 2019 Weight- 160.0 Pounds
- April 1, 2019 Weight 159.6 Pounds
Before July of 2018, I had stopped drinking soda both diet and regular which seemed to help. I also tried to limit the about of carbohydrates in my diet, easier said than done that’s for sure. Carbs are in everything that you eat or at least what I use to eat. I tried to make sure to eat enough vegetables and avoid any cereals, rice, potatoes, pasta, or any other starchy food. Once I began to do that, I was able to feel a little better.
July 4 was a tough day with cookies, cupcakes, and other sweets tempting me from every corner. CHOCOLATE was and still is my sweet of choice. How easy it would be to just cave and eat a chocolate bar or chocolate chip cookies. Oh, the struggle I was having was almost more than I could bear.

The first two weeks the weight came right off without any real difficulties. I could not believe it. Fat for breakfast would help me lose fat! I know that from my research this was possible, but after all the “diets” that I tried I knew better than to expect these results. So, here I was drinking “Keto” coffee for breakfast and a few hours later eating bacon and eggs with avocado. This seemed crazy! When it came for dinner, I would load my plate with vegetables with butter along with hamburger or steak. No longer did I need to eat skinless chicken breast with steamed broccoli and kale salad without dressing. This food was actually something that I enjoyed eating and looked forward to making. As my family would tell you before Keto, my food was awful- No spices, no flavor, low fat, and just plain bad cooking. Now, I feel that most foods that I make are more than just edible. I cook with bacon fat, butter, coconut oil, lots of spices including salt, and heavy cream.

This is truly a work in progress and I am liking the results. So far my weight is down almost 30 pounds which translates to overweight rather than obese on the BMI chart. Will I stay on this journey? You bet! I have never felt better in my adult life. Plus I get to eat food that actually tastes good.